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Our Beginnings

The seven-block plus, public housing scheme built in the 1940’s in West Kingston, Jamaica, known as the Government Yards of Trench Town, was designed with gabled roofs, verandahs, and multiple dwellings formed around communal yards, as a modest and affordable place for a transplanted rural population. It became home to an unassuming family of musicians, poised to change the face of world music. Through its idealistic beginning, periods of extreme political tension and violence, to contemporary life in Trench Town- this case study traces the life of this storied neighborhood.

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"All architecture is shelter, all great architecture is the design of space that contains, cuddles, exalts, or stimulates the persons in that space." Philip Johnson

Government Yards- Trench Town

Explore point 15: Booker/Marley/Bunny's home

Explore north of Seventh St. & west of

Collie Smith Drive

Concrete Jungle- Trench Town

Explore north of Ninth St. & east of

Collie Smith Drive

Mexico- Trench Town

©2018 by Trench Town Culture Yard Museum. 

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